Slide Project Schedules
Problems occur, customer scope creep happens, and tradesmen get sick. Projul timeline and schedule slide technology will change your life! It’s never been easier to make lots of changes to a project schedule.

Absolutely Painless Re-Scheduling
Projul’s innovative scheduling timeline view allows you to easily slide, move, or adjust all tasks at once…in just a couple of clicks!
It’s never been easier to manage the schedule of your entire crew and all of your projects. Projul gives you the power to quickly deal with changes that occur on a jobsite. Powerful yet simple.
Innovative Timeline
Our project timeline view keeps you updated on all of your jobs in a glance! It’s both intuitive and powerful.
With Projul timelines, be in the know, shift schedules, add tasks, estimate, clone projects, contact, map, communicate, document, view, photograph, and much more.

Pull or Push Your Schedules
Have you ever run into problems or had a customer delay a project after getting everyone scheduled? Projul’s built in slide technology enables you to push or pull an entire schedule or any group of tasks up and down your project timeline with ease.

Automatic Worker Notifications
Forget about contacting all of your workers to update them about a schedule change. Projul notifications handle that for you automatically.
Slide an entire project schedule out with all of its tasks and every assigned worker will automatically be notified.

Your Re-Scheduling Headaches are Over with Projul
We know what you’re up against because we run a construction company and we’ve felt your pain. Let us help.
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