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7 Tips On How To Reduce Construction Costs

7 Tips On How To Reduce Construction Costs

Are you looking for practical ways on how to reduce construction costs without compromising quality or extending your project timeline? This article offers seven actionable tips that help manage expenses in construction efficiently. The strategies below are things every company can do to ensure the quality of your projects is not sacrificed during the building process, but rather profits are increased, and more money is put back into your pocket!How to reduce construction costs? Plan ahead and create a detailed budget Choose cost-effective building materials Optimize labor costs Utilize technology for efficiency Reduce waste and improve resource management Negotiate with suppliers and...

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Best Practices

6 Important Steps when Terminating a Subcontractor

6 Important Steps when Terminating a Subcontractor

6 Important Steps when Terminating a Subcontractor - Like most general contractors we place a great deal of effort searching and vetting subcontractors. Unlike many other professions, the process of finding great contractors is far from straight-forward and difficult to gauge if they will be a...

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Best way to get construction leads

Best way to get construction leads

What is the best way to get construction leads? Many construction companies do amazing work and can grow their business to a certain level with word-of-mouth referrals and minimal outbound sales or marketing efforts. Without these efforts, most companies hit a wall and need to ask, “How can I get...

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4 Ways to Increase Cash Flow in Construction

4 Ways to Increase Cash Flow in Construction

Cash flow in construction is… well, probably the most important aspect of a construction company. It is also one of the most challenging things to handle in the day-to-day operations of a business. In this article, we will explore the challenges construction companies face, as well as provide 4...

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Should I Use QuickBooks For Construction?

Should I Use QuickBooks For Construction?

It's no secret that QuickBooks is the main player in accounting software, but should you use QuickBooks for construction? Can you reasonably run your business operations out of a system that is set up for bookkeeping and accounting purposes? This article will explore the features QuickBooks...

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Itemized Estimates: Pros & Cons

Itemized Estimates: Pros & Cons

Have you ever had a customer insist, “I need an itemized estimate” or ask “Can I get a breakdown of these costs?” To Itemize or not to itemize... The contractor's opinions on writing itemized estimates vary, and there are pros and cons to an itemized approach to estimating. If you are asking the...

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