Niche Construction

Specialized construction services focusing on a specific market segment or type of project, such as sustainable building, historical restoration, or healthcare facilities. Companies engaged in niche construction leverage specialized expertise to differentiate...

Nominal Size

The standard or named size of a material, such as lumber or piping, which may differ from its actual measured dimensions. Understanding nominal sizes is crucial for accurate planning, ordering, and fitting of construction materials.

Non-Recoverable Costs

Expenses incurred during a construction project that cannot be reclaimed or compensated, often due to inefficiencies, project changes, or contractual limitations. Identifying and minimizing non-recoverable costs is essential. Track non-recoverable costs to maintain...

Notice of Completion

A document filed by the property owner or contractor upon the completion of a construction project, which can affect the time frame for subcontractors and suppliers to file liens for unpaid work. Use custom photo reports to communicate completion and updates to...

NTE (Not-To-Exceed)

A contractual limit indicating the maximum amount that can be charged without additional approval. Clearly communicate contract terms and details with customizable templates.