Work Order

A document issued to authorize and instruct the execution of specific tasks or maintenance activities. Work orders detail the scope of work, materials required, timelines, and responsible personnel, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. Share...

Work-in-Progress (WIP)

The value of construction work that has been started but not yet completed or billed. Monitoring WIP is important for financial management, accounting, and assessing project status to ensure profitability and cash flow. Know your numbers, understand earned revenue and...

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

A type of insurance that provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured during the course of employment. In construction, carrying workers’ compensation insurance is often mandatory and protects both employees and employers from financial...


A structural reinforcement method involving diagonal supports that cross in the shape of an ‘X’ within a frame or structural panel. X-bracing is used to increase the rigidity and stability of buildings and bridges, helping structures resist lateral loads...


A unit of linear measurement equal to 3 feet or 0.9144 meters. In construction, yards are commonly used to measure lengths and distances, particularly in the U.S. customary measurement system.